
If you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to send us an email. We can be reached at

the spambots have arrived. We’ll probably close the comments page soon and switch over to emails… if there are any non-spammers out there, the best way to reach us from now on will be at the above address. Thanks!

Lucas Camacho
I’m playing on Win7, that’s all ok, but for a bug on the “Gather the light” stages, there’s no light, i’m stuck. If theres’ someone know how to figure it out, please, let me know. My e-mail: Thanks

when i saw the trailer 1 year a go..i just wrote the name of the Game in my Indie games List .. on the Top..i loved everything in this game 10/10…THAX very much..Kai..Bahrain

It took me a couple of times to get how I should play this game. I wanted to listen to all memories at once. But later I understood that you are just going for the whole light orbs and not those with some light in them too. Haven’t gotten through Year Twelve yet but god, this is amazing! Really great job! Some of the minigames is kind of boring though. I didn’t like the one with the levers and not the one with the “falling” ceiling either. But I’m still convinced it will be amazing until the end. Thank you from Sweden!

Congratulations, You have a Singular talent… my god what would i do for you were my Mentor?. Do you Think translating your Game in Spanish or other languages because Iam from Peru (South America) and your game likes a lot here ¡¡ i could help you in someway.

fantastic! for me it is better than COD:mw2!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m sorry, I’m a beginner computer player. How do you save the game?. The game is really fantastic (applauses).

it’s quite a strange game…and strange is good i don’t like the fact that i have to use the keyboard instead of a mouse